Agrotravel Fair 2016
We hereby invite for 8th International Rural Tourism and Agrotourism Fair AGROTRAVEL
helds on 8 – 10 April 2016 on the premises of Kielce Trade Fairs
The AGROTRAVEL Fair is a specialised exhibition event, as well as the largest and most important project in Poland, which integrates the tourist industry from the rural areas of Europe. The objective of the AGROTRAVEL Fair is to enhance the awareness of tourists about a possibility of spending time in the rural areas and agrotourism farms through the presentation of a wide range of agrotourism services of the EU countries. Every year, the Fair hosts more than 20 thousand people and almost 160 exhibitors from home and abroad.
The Fair is also a platform to exchange ideas, knowledge and good practices with regard to rural tourism and agrotourism for all interested in the development of this sector of the economy. It is an opportunity to meet in a wide international group of rural tourism experts, to establish valuable, direct and partnership contacts and to exchange views and experiences.
All visitors are offered an opportunity to participate in a wide range of accompanying events, i.e.:
• International Rural Tourism and Agrotourism Forum
• Expert Day of the Polish Tourist Organisation
• Expert workshop
• Fair of Crafts and Arts
• Inn with regional and traditional culinary products
• Culture scene with folk presentations
• Competitions for exhibitors and visitors
• Cremony for awarded exhibitors
• Workshops and competition for the youth
• Study tours
• Visits of representatives of diplomatic offices and study visits of Polish and foreign journalists
Regions are especially responsible for stimulating and creation of social, economical and cultural changes of the rural areas and rural tourism. We would like to encourage to present the best products of rural tourism and stands during the Fair.
Details of the special exhibition offer can be obtained at the manager: Aneta Pastuszka tel. +48 41 365 14 16,, Monday-Tuesday 8.00-16.00.
An important element of this edition of the Fair will be a discussion on the place of rural tourism in the modern economy, with participation of the high-level representatives of the public institutions
Two-days Rural Tourism and Agrotourism Forum will be held on 7 – 8 April 2016
The forum will consist of the following sessions:
1. Debate: Polonia’s agrotourism
2. Partnership and cooperation in context of network product development
3. Partnership and cooperation in context of marketing communication
4. Discussion panel: Position of rural tourism in modern agricultural economy
In addition, we would like to invite to take part in Expert Day of the Polish Tourist Organisation on 8 April, expert workshops and one of the study tour around the Świętokrzyskie Region on 9 April.
A special offer for foreign exhibitors
AGROTRAVEL 2016 – fair program
International Conference and Workshop Module – Framework Programme
The Organizer of the Fairs:
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi
Ministry of Sport and Tourism of the Republic of Poland (Ministerstwo Sportu iTurystyki)
Marshal’s Office of Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship (Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Świętokrzyskiego)
Kielce Trade Fairs (Targi Kielce)
Polish Tourism Organisation (Polska Organizacja Turystyczna)
Regional Tourism Organisation of Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship (Regionalna Organizacja Turystyczna Województwa Świętokrzyskiego)